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John T. Reed’s news blog

You need to check gas, electricity cost and reliability and communication now when you buy a home.

Posted by John T. Reed on

I am currently working on my new book working title: Your Principal Residence is the Only Real Estate Investment You’ll Ever Need. It is my 21st real estate investment book. It has two subjects I have not had to address before: the skyrocketing cost of electricity and the greatly increased lack of reliability of grid electricity and grid telecommunications. Environmentalists driving up cost and driving down reliability Environmentalists used to love natural gas as a “transitional” fuel to their true love wind and solar. But Obama told them to hate natural gas, too, and they promptly have. They are, by...

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The book of mine that is often bought as a Christmas gift

Posted by John T. Reed on

I have not run any Black Friday or Cyber Monday specials, but I still got a big boost in sale since Thanksgiving anyway. I think all the people hyping those two days have created such a buying urge that it runneth over to everybody selling almost anything. Thanks, whoever you are. By the way, I also have a surge in sales of my Succeeding book before Christmas and before graduations in May. I think people who know the book are buying it as a gift to young people. Good idea. I was inspired to write the book when my oldest...

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Connoisseur of languages

Posted by John T. Reed on

I am fascinated by languages, Got A+ in four of them in school. Here are some thoughts on them:. I have described the written Japanese, Chinese, and Korean languages as idiotic. I have studied Spanish, French, English, Vietnamese, Russian, a little Japanese, Italian, and Chinese, and Esperanto. . The irregularities of English are stupid. I think English-speaking countries are the only ones with spelling bees—which are contests to see who can survive the irregularities of English. Our oldest son was the champ of his school, then lost at the regional on the word “martyr” which he spelled marter. . By...

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Biden turns out not to be a puppet of the radical left

Posted by John T. Reed on

We were told that Biden was just a Trojan Horse, that Bernie and AOC were really pulling his puppet strings. . Actually Joe told us that by signing onto Bernie’s Communist manifesto.  In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler by signing the Munich Pact. Hitler privately told his entourage that the Pact was meaningless. Close observers have noted that after agreeing to the “Unity-Task Force Recommendations” with Sanders to appease the radical left into hiding for the duration of the campaign, Biden systematically abandoned its recommendations one by one whenever he felt the slightest heat from Trump...

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Post Facebook refused to let anyone see about demonstrations that hurt innocents

Posted by John T. Reed on

Facebook would not let me post the following:. Lawrence Jones, a Fox reporter said today that the First Amendment grants Americans the right to demonstrate in the middle of the street. . The hell it does. When Giuliani was mayor, his policy was that demonstrators could publicly show their support for their position, but he said they could NOT impeded traffic which includes ambulances, police cars and fire engines. . I think a broader principle applies. First, the word “demonstration” does not appear in the Constitution. The pertinent words that do appear are “speech” and “peaceably to assemble” and “petition...

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