Real Estate Investment Strategy, Volume 1
One of my readers told me he re-reads Real Estate Investment Strategy every year. Topics include finding deals that make sense, case studies, the contrarian strategy, the vulture strategy, learn about appreciation and inflation, different kinds of real estate to invest in, regions, risk, and many other topics. See the Table of Contents.
"One newsletter I love to read is John T. Reed's Real Estate Investor's Monthly. He's a smart man, a funny writer, and always provocative."
Jane Bryant Quinn, Newsweek personal finance columnist
- John T. Reed’s real estate investment background
- Table of Contents
- Reader Comments
- Front Matter
- Volume 1 Index
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
I have three books of this real estate investment strategy series:
When you buy 2 books at the same time, you save $2.55 on shipping to U.S. addresses. Shipping is free if you buy 3 or more books at the same time.
- Deals that make sense: Case studies on subjects like "Rental houses," "Judgment investing," "One-bedroom houses," "Rooming houses," and "Buy two, get one for 2/3 off"
- The Contrarian Strategy
- Inflation, appreciation, Prices: What if values don't go up?
- Geography: location, views, earthquakes, regions
- Risk and real estate: toxics, calculated risks, protection against uninsurable catastrophes
- The selective leper strategy
- The vulture strategy
The best of John T. Reed's newsletter articles on investment strategy have been put together in one book. Over 100 articles are grouped by category:
242 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 paperback, $39.95
Not available in traditional or online book stores
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