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John T. Reed’s news blog

Why you should not use the Permanent Portfolio

Posted by John T. Reed on

A reader of my How to Protect Yourself from Hyperinflation & Depression book says he is going to put his assets in the “Permanent Portfolio.” That is a simple-minded portfolio of equal parts stocks, gold, bonds, and cash or treasury bills. It was invented by the late Harry Browne..Albert Einstein said that, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” Browne’s portfolio violates that rule..My wife and I own some gold eagle coins. She wanted to keep them because she inherited them from her brother. I would have gotten rid of them. She let me convert half...

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Pelosi is devout all right; about spending your money on Planned Parenthood abortions

Posted by John T. Reed on

Nancy Pelosi is a devout Catholic—who will die before she lets you cut one penny from the amount of taxpayer money that is annually sent to America’s Number one abortion mill: Planned Parenthood..The only thing Pelosi is devout about is her personal political power and retaking the majority in the Senate so that her next partisan impeachment will succeed.. The only thing she prays about is keeping the Speakership and getting rid of President Trump by whatever means necessary..She opposes not only Trump but also annoyances like Republican judges, the voters who do not vote Democrat, congresspersons trying to read...

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Why I have not been blogging as much

Posted by John T. Reed on

Reader asked if I was okay healthwise because I had not posted here in a while. 1. I have no health problems to speak of. 2. I post almost every day on my Facebook Wall at Apparently, a great many readers are proudly, militantly against signing up for Facebook. I have no idea what that is about. My son put me up there and on Twitter and LinkedIn years ago. I like Facebook. I rarely used the other two social media sites.  3. I try to put the more well-recieved FB posts here as well. I will try to...

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Romney need to resign like Phil Gramm and rerun for that seat now that Utahans know who he really is

Posted by John T. Reed on

Mitt Romney should promptly resign from the Senate AS TEXAS REPRESENTATIVE PHIL GRAMM DID IN 1983..Economist Phil Gramm was elected a Democrat congressman from Texas. In 1983, he decided to switch parties. He felt that obligated him to resign and rerun for his seat in Congress as a Republican..He did both and won the election. He was a two-term Representative and a three term senator from TX. He is still a great statesman specializing in economic issues. He seems to have an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal about once a month..Romney is in the same situation. He did not tell...

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I got a sat phone. You should get a satellite-based emergency communicator of some sort.

Posted by John T. Reed on

I made my first purchases in solar and satellite phones the same day: yesterday. . I will write about the solar later . 8575 Extreme Iridium sat phone The satellite phones I bought are two 'Iridium Extreme 9575 models' - at the 'Satellite Phone Store' - They have another store in Sarasota and one in Anchorage. I felt I needed to talk to an expert in person about this complex purchase. I could not find another store closer to my San Francisco area house, in spite of it being 479 miles away. . The cost is about the same as high-end...

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