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John T. Reed’s news blog

Seeing the effect of finding the right medium for you at your 50th reunion

Posted by John T. Reed on

I got back from my 50th college reunion yesterday. I have been to reunions before. The new twist on this one was meeting Facebook friends. These are West Point classmates of mine with whom I never previously had a conversation. But they got to know me through this Facebook wall. And we finally had the face-to-face conversations at the reunion. I should have joined the school paper Makes me wish I had been a columnist in my high school and college papers when I was a student. I WAS a columnist in the Harvard Business School paper. Find the fight...

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Prig, a uniquely odd accusation

Posted by John T. Reed on

Laura Ingraham called James Comey a prig the other night..I got called that eight years ago. I had to look it up. It did not sound like a good thing..prignouna self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others..Moralistic, in turn, means,.mor·al·is·ticadjectiveoverfond of making moral judgements about others' behavior; too ready to moralize..It is a uniquely odd accusation.It seems to have two components:• believing you are superior to others• publicizing that fact1. Since some “others” are immoral, and you should not be, believing you are superior to those who are immoral is merely the accurate situation of a moral...

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Laura Ingraham Fox News 5/3/18 interviews and monologue

Posted by John T. Reed on

The sound of her own voice Laura Ingraham has a slobbering love affair with the sound of her own voice. She “asks” thousand-word, leading “questions” that leave almost no time for the answer from the guest. On 5/4//18, a guest actually asked her to stop talking over him when he was trying to read a document. Smirk She also wears an almost permanent smirk about how dumb those who disagree with her are. That is like Al Gore’s sighs, the fake theatrical laughter of Hillary and Juan Williams—an intellectually-dishonest debate tactic that would have you believe it proves the other...

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Ehrlich’s book The Population Bomb was a dud and how it relates to the EMP bomb

Posted by John T. Reed on

Today’s Wall Street Journal column by Karl Rove has a better version of something I recently said. For several years, I have been condemning fear of nuclear war in general and EMPs in particular. A PhD with impressive credentials—Dr. Pry—says an EMP today would result in 90% of Americans dying of starvation..Rove’s column notes that this month is the 50th anniversary of Paul Ehrlich’s book The Population Bomb. Ehrlich is a tenured professor of biology at Stanford (still). Ehrlich is arguably the intellectual father of one of the greatest mass murders in history, including China’s one-child policy and sterilization of...

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Special [prosecutors] for Comey, Richman, Clapper, etc.

Posted by John T. Reed on

Comey insists he did not leak or violate any law when he put confidential information “into the public square.” Aside from the ridiculous falsity of that statement, there is the unasked question, “So it there was nothing wrong with putting that ‘into the public square,’ why didn’t you do it yourself like the stand-up guy you claim to be? Why did you tell a Columbia Law Professor to pass it to the New York Times on condition that they not identify the professor or the actual source, you?”Appoint a special [prosecutor] to investigate Comey, the Columbia law professor, Daniel RIchman,...

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