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You have been warned more about the coming hyperinflation than you were warned about any other financial crisis, yet hardly anyone is taking the protective steps that will be illegal after the day the dollar dies.

Posted by John Reed on

In addition to the front page headline on both parties candidates ignoring the national debt and just adding more and more to it, today’s WSJ has a column by Galston titled “A U.S. National Debt Crisis is Coming.” It says both parties are now ensuring some sort of financial doomsday due to more and more spending costing more and more interest.
I think the people around the world buying US Treasurys are nuts. They are so what is the next milestone that might cause them to say, “My God! What are we doing?” The interest on the national debt is now bigger than the entire defense budget. Next it will be bigger than defense plus social security, then bigger than defense plus social security plus Medicare. Eventually, the interest will exceed the entire US budget and we will be asking people to buy Treasurys that are being sold just to pay interest. Generally, lenders do not make loans to borrowers who are borrowing to pay interest. If that happens, as appears certain now, the Fed will print the money needs to pay the bills and that will trigger hyperinflation which is a technical term for all US dollars become worthless.
Hyperinflation book

This will be not only the biggest financial crisis in US history—worse than the Depression which was deflation, it is the best advertised. The Depression was a surprise to those who did not understand the meaning of the Smoot Hawley tariffs. But the coming hyperinflation, you have been warned and warned and warned by economists and other financial experts.
The WSJ and other knowledgeable observers are on record so when it happens they can say we warned you. It’s not our fault.
There ARE a few organizations worried about this and dedicated to preventing it. Here is one that encompasses many others.
How effective is it? You never heard of it until I told you. Nuf said.
The grown-ups are not going to fix this until it blows up in our faces. So you as an individual must protect your life savings. Real estate with a mortgage. Foreign currency held abroad. Bullion coins. These things will generally be impossible and/or illegal once the hyperinflation hits.

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