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Kamala price controls will empty the store shelves

Posted by John Reed on

Kamala says she will have the FTC sue big corporations who price guage[sic]. She means gouge. They will sue if those corporations “don’t follow the anti-price gouging rules.” 
There ARE no such rules. To have such rules, they have to define “gouging.” There is no such definition. “Gouging” is simply libeling a seller charging a price that the speaker does not like. Gouging is a dysphemism, the opposite of a euphemism. It is just a word that describes a routine business practice, setting selling prices, but tries to cast aspersions on it.
Vague laws are unconstitutional.
To sue or prosecute grocery price gougers, the government must publish prices that they say are legal and those that they say are illegal. Any such list will be arbitrary, which is also unconstitutional.
Does the Constitution allow the federal government to tell any seller what price to charge. I think the last twelve words of the fifth amendment prohibit such controls: “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.” The groceries are the property of the store. Federal price controls in effect confiscate the groceries for less than they are worth and thereby take that much value from the grocery seller.
The Constitution also prohibits impairment of contracts.
In fact, SCOTUS keeps upholding rent control as a “police power” and they uphold the minimum wage which is an upside down price control—setting a minimum rather than a maximum.

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